Neso 200, portable EtCO2 and SpO2 patient monitor

Neso 200 is a portable handheld patient monitor from the medical technology company ALTEC that combines capnography (EtCO2) with pulse oximetry (SpO2) and thus records, displays and monitors the most important patient parameters.
Capnography is a medical procedure for measuring the carbon dioxide (CO2) content in the exhaled air of patients, outputting it as a value and displaying it in curve form. Infrared spectroscopy is usually used as the measurement method for this. In capnography, a distinction is made between the mainstream method, in which the measuring cuvette is located directly in the ventilation tube, and the sidestream method, in which a small amount of exhaled air is diverted for measurement.
Pulse oximetry (SpO2) is a method for non-invasively measuring arterial oxygen saturation. The partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood is measured using light absorption (usually in the frequency range 660 to 920 nm). This is done with a finger clip, which usually has corresponding LEDs on one side and a photodiode on the other. In addition to SpO2, the pulse rate is determined.
In practice, both capnographs and pulse oximeters have a variety of alarm functions.
The capnography of the NESO 200 combines mainstream and sidestream measurements in one device. The respective modules can be changed quickly and easily. The device has various alarm functions for EtCO2 and SpO2. The small dimensions of the handheld device, the rechargeable battery and the simple operation offer a flexibility that is appreciated not only by medical staff.
In addition to NESO 200, ALTEC offers a wide variety of other innovative patient monitors.
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