Hifent HUMID, High Flow Therapy Devices

The Hifent HUMID therapy devices from the medical technology company RESPIRCARE, RMS combine conventional high-flow applications with manually or automatically controlled oxygen addition and effective respiratory gas humidification for the clinic and the home.
High-flow therapy for patients with lung insufficiency has in many cases developed into a gentle, effective and well-accepted alternative to conventional NIV (non-invasive ventilation). One of its advantages is the lack of a ventilation mask. A pleasantly humidified and warmed air stream, enriched with oxygen if necessary, is supplied to the patients via an inconspicuous nasal cannula. This constantly flushes the airways with fresh air and replaces the used, CO2-enriched exhaled air. Discomfort such as claustrophobia caused by a face mask and subjective complaints caused by the ventilation pressure are avoided and the patient can continue his or her usual lifestyle almost without restrictions even during therapy. Everyday activities such as eating, drinking, reading, speaking and much more are possible again. Patient acceptance and compliance is higher than with traditional NIV.
The Hifent high-flow devices from RESPIRCARE have a maximum flow range of up to 80 liters per minute and two modes to meet the individual requirements of both children and adults. The temperature of the air flow up to 37°C can be adjusted to the needs of the patients.
If necessary, the therapy gas can be enriched with up to 100 percent oxygen and the FiO2 can not only be monitored on the device display but also regulated automatically.
The intuitive user interface makes the application easy. Important settings relevant to therapy can be blocked for home use.
Different device versions are available for clinical and home use.
If you need further information, please use the contact form on this website.
